XEO in a Nutshell borns with the idea to inform the community about XEO platform features and capabilities. In a set of easy to read documents, we describe some operations and features that best characterize XEO, as well as how to configure and parameterize the development environments. Not only do we say it is easy to develop with XEO, we also demonstrate it!

XEO is a platform for agile development of web applications that allows users to model their business in an easy and quick way, reducing development time and increasing the flexibility/extensibility of the applications.
Based on JAVA technology and compatible with various database engines (SqlServer, Oracle, MySQL) and application servers (Jboss, Oracle, IBM, SAP), XEO presents itself as a very versatile tool and with a wide margin for growth. In a constant mutation, XEO has evolved from a single module to a set of modules that allow XEO to be present in almost all areas of business, from portals (xPortal), webservices (XWebServices) to workflow (xBPM).
These documents are developed by the XEO team, which in coordination with the technical team - who works every day with XEO - created some examples through the XEO Studio development tool.
Hopefully in the end we will all belong to the same team - XEO Team.
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